Hanzi’s political agenda could be enhanced if we also consider Michael Basseches cognitive developmental research based upon a dialectical critical realist meta-theory (as opposed to Michael Commons's MHC and/or Ken Wilber's Integral).
Over the last 6 months our colleagues at the Center for Applied Dialectics (CAD) have been working to construct, not only this thesis, but a methodology to demonstrate dialectical thinking through real time dialogue.
3 basic phases of the process:
🧪 Lab → we play equal parts ‘scientist’ and ‘experiment’ to produce novel social experiences which can be turned into an artifact.
🎛 Studio → we seek to receive experts options and feedback on our artifacts like an artist would from an art instructor.
🏟 Salon → we invite novice ‘outsiders’ to participate with our artifacts in public spaces.
Now we want to present our findings on Hanzi as a part of our transition from privately supporting one another as applied dialectical thinkers into more (semi) public spaces.