
Delayed Satisfaction

Below you can access a Studio 🎛 between Daniel Görtz and Nathan Snyder with the support of The Center for Applied Dialectics.

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For easy access you can jump to the following chapters of the actual Studio 🎛.

1. Introduction

The Conveyor introduces Daniel Görtz and the CAD members to the Studio 🎛.

2. Formate

The Conveyor introduces the members to the formate, agenda and roles.

Bonus!! (🤯) —> 🥳

Nathan clarifies his introduction during the Studio 🎛 and includes his video which was excluded due of technical error in the original version.

3. Presentation

Nathan's original presentation during the studio, voice only.

4. Clarifying Questions & Response from the Daniel

Daniel presents his understanding of Chapter 7 of the Listening Society after Nathan introduces the Text Analysis resulting from the Dialectical Thought Form Framework.

5. CAD Members ask Clarifying Questions

Nick, Iva, Bernhard, Rainer ask Daniel and Nathan clarifying questions.


The group decides on how to proceed since the last sections ran over time.

6. Applied Dialectic

Nick, Iva, Bernhard, Rainer dialogue based upon what they've heard thus far in the studio.

7. Critique and Improvements

Everyones jumps in to improve and content and structure of the Studio 🎛.

Do you want to understand the formate more clearly?
